Eco+ Grid
A decision support tool for businesses
Your client, a call for tenders, or your financial institution is asking if your company operates under a sustainable development approach?
Look no further! SWITCH, the Alliance for a Green Economy, comprising businesses, environmental and social advocacy organizations, and financing entities, offers you the Eco+ Grid free of charge. This tool aims to support your sustainable development efforts. This grid was developed in partnership with our research partner, the Institut du Quebec.
The Eco+ Grid provides a rigorous framework based on internationally recognized tools, incorporating relevant indicators that can be adapted to the realities of both small and large companies. Created in Excel format, the Eco+ Grid is accessible to everyone and can be easily customized to your company’s specific context!
To consult the underlying research report (FR).
Adaptability – can be utilized according to the specificities of your company, covering the three dimensions of sustainable development (economy, environment, society).
Inclusivity – takes into account a vast array of recognized indicators from major existing and emerging reference frameworks.
Accessibility – publicly available and usable by organizations of all sizes.
What say
The supported companies
« Resolute Forest Products is proud to have contributed to the validation testing of the Eco+ Grid.
I can confirm that the tool is as effective as most commercially available ESG software, courtesy of the Alliance! »
David Marshall,
Director, Sustainability and Public Affairs – United States,
Resolute Forest Products
« The IDQ has gathered a wide range of references and information to develop a dynamic analysis grid for a more sustainable economic development in Quebec. »
Luc Belzile